How to Receive Money on PayPal from eBay

To receive money on PayPal from eBay, it should go without saying that you must have both a PayPal and eBay account. If you don’t already have either of these, first visit the PayPal website to create your account and then do the same on eBay.

The next step is to define PayPal as one of the payment methods in the settings for your eBay account.

  1. Open using a web browser on your computer.
  2. Click your name in the upper left corner of the screen.
  3. Click “Account settings.”
  4. When the “My eBay” page opens, click the “Account” tab.
  5. In the “Payments” section, click “PayPal Account.”
  6. Now follow the instructions on this page to link your PayPal and eBay accounts. This basically comes down to logging in to your PayPal from this page, and that’s pretty much it.

When you successfully sell an item, the person who bought it will receive the payment instruction from eBay. Besides various purchase details, the buyer will also be able to see your email address for the PayPal transfer, allowing them to easily send you the payment.

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